Sunday, May 14, 2023

Preemie Blanket Number 1

 This is the first preemie blanket I have made after handing over the others to the Hospital.

The lady I saw loved the blankets I had made and said they are happy to accept different colours.

This one is white as I have plenty of white yarn.

I used a So Wooly pattern  called Tiles Stitch.

TILES STITCH along with this I used a Chain Edge that is so easy to do and it makes a lovely neat edge.


This is the result.

This is a close up of the stitch.

This was easy to do and very relaxing. I love how it creates interest and the yarn I used works up to be so soft. I used 5mm needles with DK yarn so it has a lovely drape.
This is the edge

It is hard to see but I think you can just about make out the V along the edge.

I am now embarking on a Mint Green Preemie Crochet Blanket using a pattern I have used before as it is simple and makes a lovely No Holes blanket..

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