Friday, March 11, 2022

Modern Granny Blanket

As the lady from the Hospital charity said they could do with a blanket I decided to make one.  It is more of a lapghan than a blanket. 

It can be used for someone in a wheelchair, armchair or sitting on a sofa. It is long enough to cover the lap and legs so should be useful to someone.

I used cheerful colours and changed each colour every 5 rows.
You can see the colours better in this picture.

I chose a simple single crochet border. Two rows of each colour to create a solid border.

The pattern was easy to do and one that I will use again.

Modern Crochet Granny Blanket

 JUNE Half way through the year already! Time is flying past. I have been making Worry Worms and Octopuses for MK Friends. They seem to be p...